Thursday, April 25, 2013


As I write this, my son M., is about 8 weeks shy of completing Kindergarten. I cannot believe how fast time has gone. I also can tell you that every day that he gets on that school bus feels like the first day all over again. There is something about putting your child in the care of someone else that makes my Mommy instincts kick in gear. Every time the bus pulls away I want to run after it, jump on and grab M. and take him home with me. Crazy, right? You think I would be used to this by now. But, I am not.

As a parent you just want to keep your child safe from everything! Safe from being hurt, being picked on or teased. You also can only hope that your child is being appropriate and kind to others. I try and instill this in my boys every day. But in this world, you also want them to be wary and watch for danger. It is a fine line and super tough these days to be a kid. (and a parent!) You do not want your child growing up afraid but you need to teach them how to be safe as well.

M. and I have both done a lot of growing since last September.  School has molded him into a better behaved child who understands about following rules and being polite to your teacher.  Him being in school has allowed me to let go of him a little more.  That is so hard to do.  Especially because he is only 5 years old.  In terms of a lifetime, that is SO young, yet he does quite well without me for those 8 hours that he is gone during the day.  And he really loves school.  He loves learning and reading.  He loves interacting with children his age.  He is making friends and he loves his teachers.  Knowing that makes letting him get on that bus every day a bit easier.  Also knowing that he is so happy to see me at the bus stop every day.  He will tell me that he missed me during the day and as a good mom, I tell him he does not need to miss me.  He should be focusing on his work and having fun at school.  I do want him to enjoy school and all it has to offer.  He has such a great future in front of him.  All I can do is let him go so he can grab opportunities.  But, I always know that he is my little boy.  He still wants me to tuck him in every night.  And I still check on him before I go to bed.  I probably will until he moves out.  That is just how it is.

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